Monday, May 23, 2011

Things That Keep Us Awake at Night

Apparently, the thing that keeps our director up at night is the state of the office carpet. Oh, the things I learn by eavesdropping on the random meetings that happen on the other side of the room. Last night, Keith had a dream that MedCenter was the object of a huge corporate uproar over the way our carpet looks. Now, I must say, the carpet itself isn't too terribly bad. Not anything I'd want in my house, sure, but it's in pretty good shape for the most part. Cleaner than my former dorm room, at least. Kind of ugly, though.

And then I saw this:
I'm not sure where it came from or  if it's fixable, 
but there appears to  be a rip/snag/other deformity
of your choice in our carpet by the computers. 

And now I totally understand where that nightmare came from (note the sarcasm in that last statement). The good news, I suppose, is that this is the only thing keeping us up at night at the moment. No worrying over whether we're doing right by our clients; no fretting about getting projects done on time; no tearing our hair out over where we're going. Just our carpet. Our lovely, ugly, torn up carpet. 

Oh, we worry about how hot the office is, too. We've got a big set of windows facing out east, so the rising run always shines right into the room and heats it up until it's basically sweltering by the time we get in here around nine. Four or five people sitting around, brainstorming, and sweating like pigs isn't all that attractive, I can promise you that. We've been tossing around plans to get a fan or something to help with this problem, but nothing's been done as of yet. That keeps me up at night. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be creative and funny when I'm practically melting all over my desk? 

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