Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MedCenter...Weather Gods?

Guess what today is! That's right, another rainy, thundery day! What's that mean? The folks here at MedCenterNetwork have their thinking caps on again! We're not entirely sure why or how, but it seems that all of the recent rain has been a direct result of MedCenter's brain trust getting their think on. Every time you see a lightning bolt or hear thunder rumble, one of us has come up with a brilliant new idea. We're just that good.

Don't worry, though, we're working on a way to keep our magical, idea-generating brains from affecting the weather like this again. Hopefully we'll have the tin foil caps installed within the week, so keep an eye out for the sun again soon.

(Disclaimer: any and all claims made herein that the crew of MedCenterNetwork have any actual sway over the weather or any other magical powers are here for comedic effect. Except maybe me. I might be the next Hogwarts valedictorian. But let's keep that on the down low, shall we? They don't really like me talking about it. )

On another note, I have a few shoutouts today. The first goes out to Lee Suttie, our cofounder, who has recently complained about not being on the blog. Here you go, Lee, your very own half a paragraph! The second goes out to Rebecca and Colby, who helped me figure out today's post (kinda). Thanks, guys!

Aborted topics for today: the health benefits of owning a pet, the health benefits of chocolate, chocolate cats, and chocolate thunder. Aren't you glad I didn't wind up talking about any of those?

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