Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Office Shenanigans Pt. 1

Despite the fact that MedCenter Network has been in existence since 2007, we've never had an office of our own. Until now. Over the last few weeks, we've been moving furniture into our nice, new space, setting up cubicles, reorganizing all of our equipment, and all sorts of other fun things that go along with moving. And it's all been overseen by our very own captain.

For those of you who know us, you're probably thinking I'm talking about Captain Keith Singer or Captain Lee Suttie, the two in charge of this whole company mess. But I'm not. I'm talking about Captain Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

He's the Big Cheese around here, as far as I'm concerned. But, then again, I've always been kind of a Trekkie. It's comforting to know that we've got a Star Fleet captain on our side.

Besides the Captain, we've got four cubicles set up--mine was just finished minutes before this posting--and a side office for Sales and whatnot. They're the ones with the good desks. The rest of us getting the stuff that came with the cubes. Not that I'm complaining. A desk is a desk. It just doesn't come with the sense of prestige that the nice ones have. Today, actually, the chaos of moving has calmed down to a dull, organized roar. Only thing we're missing now is a good set of office chairs. Notice the camp chairs in the photos below of some of our set-up process.

The guy in the last two pictures is our founder, Keith. See, he's not afraid to get his hands dirty.

Also, I've decided we need better candy in the office candy jar. Ironic that a health organization should have a candy jar to begin with, but everything is good in moderation. We just need something actually appetizing, instead of mysterious hard candy with no label.

Still to come: video introductions, how to decorate a cubical, and what happens when the social media rep is left alone in the office.

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