Friday, May 20, 2011


Today, I'm sitting in my newly decorated cubical (read: I put up a poster of a dragon and an anime wall scroll, both of which can be seen below), listening to the brainstorming session going on in the other room between Keith, Rebecca, and Colby--our founder, our customer service director and our sale guy--about one of our new projects. It doesn't make a terribly interesting picture, but I put it up all the same, for kind of a vague idea of what goes on around here. A lot of sitting around and talking at this point.

While I'm writing this, Keith's going over how we make stories interesting, which I find terribly appropriate. He's saying, "it's sort of like product placement; except, instead of putting a product in, we're embedding a concept." In other words, we take the project (cancer awareness, training videos, whatever) and focus on making an entertaining story, and slipping our sponsors' messages inside those tales.  In my opinion, that's a pretty neato way of going about things. Get people sucked into the interesting stuff, then subtly plop our message into that. Much better than taking a big, broad message (aka heavy, blunt object) and beating people about the head with it.

So there's, hopefully, some insight into the sort of thing we've got in mind when we say "Our goal is to create fun, interesting, entertaining stories to help our sponsors, partners and clients reach their own goals." 

And here are the promised photos of my newly decorated cubical. So exciting. 
The awesome dragon poster. 

Bonus points for anyone who knows what this is from! 

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