Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pitches and Titles

Today I finally got to attend a formal meeting instead of sitting in my cubical and eavesdropping. It's quite a lot more fun to sit in the other office and watch the expression of our potential partners change from "oh, um, okay?" to "oh, wow, my brain has totally just been blown because this is such an awesome idea and I can't believe no one else has come up with this before. Except I'm still not entirely sure how to explain this to everyone else at my company." That just means that we're going to have to go into said company offices to explain on our own. Oh, woe, whatever shall we do? Going into a local news station to explain our standpoint and ideas again sounds just like torture, doesn't it? (Note the ample sarcasm. I actually think that'd be pretty cool).

As you might have guessed from the last sentence of (minus the aside) of the previous paragraph, today we're meeting with representatives from local news stations! It's pretty fun to actually see other people in the office instead of listening to half a conversation on the phones in the other room.

But what really amused me about this meeting was how much it reminded me of a prolonged novel pitch session. As a hopeful novelist, I got the opportunity to pitch my novel idea to a literary agent at a conference last year (it didn't go well), and watching Keith pitch MedCenter's philosophy to a potential partner felt a lot like that: the eager, earnest pitcher talking a mile-a-minute to the agent/partner, who's sitting in a corner, nodding, looking mildly impressed and slightly confused. The good news is this is probably going to go a lot better than my novel pitch!

I also officially received a title today, which was very exciting: "MedCenterNetwork's Social Media Coordinator." Sounds a lot more official than "social media representative," doesn't it?

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