Monday, May 16, 2011

Hello World!

I think the title says it all. Hello world! I'm Emerson, and I'll be your MedCenter blogger for, well, as long as you decide to follow us. I've just recently signed onto the MedCenter Network team and I'm still getting my sea legs, but, hopefully, I'll at least be entertaining.

At this point, you're probably asking "what in the world is MedCenter Network? And why did they feel the need to hire this crazy person to blog about it?"

To which I respond: MedCenter Network is, in short, a media production company, focusing on health-related stories (and a few other things) inspired by the people involved. We help other companies and organizations get messages out to their target audience, via personalized stories presented through multi-media outlets, including traditional, web-based, print and mobile media. Our goal is to create fun, interesting, entertaining stories to help our sponsors, partners and clients reach their goals.

As to the second question, I say: a) I promise I'm not completely insane; I'm just energetic and excited about this project and b) we decided to start a blog in order to help spread the word about our company, our sponsors/partners' programs, and to give anyone who wants it an insight into what goes on behind the scenes of video production.

And, as an entertaining (hopefully) first post, I present you with watermelon smashing! As part of a ladder training video Mr. Keith Singer (read: my boss) is working on for the cable installers of CableOne, we went out into an empty parking lot, took the safeties off a 28-foot extension ladder, and used it as a guillotine to smash two large watermelons and a cantaloupe. The point is to use the footage of the dying melons as a sort of cautionary "this could be your head/foot/other body part of your choice!" for the folks watching the video. For little old me just tagging along, though, it was just pure fun.

Just imagine if that was your foot! Remember kids, ladder safety is no joke. But just think about how entertaining this video is going to be for those installers. Who doesn't like watching something get utterly destroyed? Below is the final carnage of the day.

And this is the sort of stuff we do here at MedCenter Network. Just a taste, though. Still to come: robots, medicine, race cars, and airplanes!

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