Thursday, May 19, 2011

Emerson's Health Tips #1

I've decided that, since we focus on health-related stories, I'm going to try my hand at making up some health tips for our readers (yes, it's a quiet day in the office and I've got no other ideas for today; why do you ask?). Some of them might actually be good ideas, like the day I decide to delve into the medicinal properties of various herbs and teas. Some of them, not so much. Those in the latter category are likely to be just plain silly/fun/ridiculous/take your pick. If anyone's reading this and decides to try any of these tips, please feel free to let me know! I'd love to hear how they work out for you (if they do), especially the not-so-serious ones.

So, Emerson's Health Tip for today: when it's raining, try dodging raindrops. When I was a little kid, I used to try to do that all the time, when it was drizzling or only lightly raining, when it was still possible to dodge a majority of them. I suppose all the recent rain around here has got me thinking about it. Only problem comes when it's a misty or heavy rain, but that just makes it more fun: exercise, game and shower, all in one! Just remember your soap. If nothing else, it can be a game with your kids (if you have them): whoever gets the wettest loses. Just don't stay out too long, especially if it's cold, and have a dry set of clothes on hand to change into when you're done. Maybe even get some hot cocoa or tea going for afterwards. If you're making it a game with the kids, you could give them some sort of prize at the end, a sweet or a little toy or something (since we all know the kids are going to win, regardless). Of course, this'll only work if you like 1) dancing, 2) rain, and 3) potentially looking like a crazy person. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

And, so I don't get us sued or something: none of these health tips are designed to replace traditional medicines/doctors. Most of them are just for fun.

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