Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Exciting Stuff!

Today is an exciting day! We officially started work on a new project with Exempla hospitals with a video shoot for PR and internal communications down at Exempla Lutheran Medical Center, for which I got to run teleprompter. That was a ton of fun, even if our script was full of grammatical errors (note to management: never put an English major behind a script written by television guys, unless you want her to critique it and made snide comments between takes).

Anyway, this new project is a collection of videos for both internal and external use for the hospitals. We're looking at some communiqué-type videos for the CEO and upper management to get memos and updates to the rest of the staff on a regular basis, and a fantastic sports medicine program for the everyday person. And that ball started rolling with the video shoot this morning. Woohoo!

On top of that, we've got a meeting with another potential sponsor/partner for Catch It In Time (over lunch, yum!) that I think is going to turn out fantastically.

Go go gadget MedCenter!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So There

Apparently, Q&As don't work when the only people who read this blog at the moment are still in the company (or, if you don't work for us and read this, a big shout out and a "why in the world aren't you commenting? Please? Don't make me beg!). I guess I'll just have to try again when we have more of an audience. Hear that, handful of irregular readers? Go out and tell your friends and family to book it over here so you can ask that burning question you had but were too shy to ask!

Things at the office are slowly chugging along. Things are coming together (huh, where have I heard that before, right? No, really, we're getting there. I promise), projects are getting finished as new ones come in, the office fridge has been restocked and we have a quickly dwindling bag of chocolates just begging to be finished off. And, before you say anything about chocolate being unhealthy, check out the new study from the British Medical Journal that suggests chocolate may be linked to lowering heart disease.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Q&A? Maybe?

Last week, immediately after posting the last entry to this blog, I had a fantastic idea for this week's post. It was so awesome it would completely blow your mind if you read it. Like brain matter all over the walls sweet. Why am I telling you this? In short, because I forgot it and I'm secretly hoping that by distracting you with the amazingness that was supposed to be this week's post, I can keep you from reading further.

You're still here? Why are you still here?! You should have realized I've got nothing interesting to say this week and scurried away by now! What are you doing? Still reading? Why, of all the impertinence!

Seriously, though, I got nothing. All my energy's been going toward Catch It In Time and I forgot to write down that amazingly brilliant idea. I also may have had too much sugar this morning.

So this week, give me your poor, your abused, your--oh, wait. I mean, give me your questions! About anything. Me, MedCenterNetwork, Catch It In Time, whatever you got. I'll do my best to answer them. Have at it! En guard!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Organizing the Disorganized

Yesterday was super productive for me. Not in the "I wrote ten blog posts and updated Facebook and Twitter every two minutes!" kind of way, but productive nonetheless. I made lists! Isn't that exciting?!

This is my list of "do"s and "don't"s for the office. 
And this is my to-do list. I particularly like number four.

Now, I'm not a terribly organized person, but I can't deny making a series of lists was rather relaxing. Though, of course, looking back on the fact that I have to do all of that this week, or at least start it, is not so relaxing; in fact, it's rather intimidating. Does anyone have a super hero cape I can borrow? I need to feel super to get all this done. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

We've officially decided to cut back blog posts here to once a week instead of every weekday, at least for now. At the moment, we're working so hard on getting Catch It In Time off the ground that a) updating that blog is my priority, and b) there's not a whole terrible lot of interesting things going around in the office. A lot of calls, secondary meetings, frustrated tearing hair out, that sort of thing. Nothing that necessarily makes a great blog post. Unless I'm feeling particularly mischievous, of course.

The good new, though, is that lots and lots of new projects are lining up. I'm not allowed to talk about any of them right now, but I can assure you that there's awesome! Some more health stuff and some more training stuff, and a few things that I'm not even sure how to classify exactly. Point being, this show is finally getting on the road! Woohoo!

Still to come: the long-awaited introductory vlog post (maybe), details about the Catch It In Time campaign (possibly), and a trip to Disney World (hopefully)!

And, for kicks, a picture of my new 'thinking cap.' Why, yes, it is a jester's cap. Why would you expect otherwise?

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's back!

It liiiiives! First of all, my humble apologies for being MIA for the last few weeks. I would rattle off a nicely polished excuse here, but I don't have one. I've just been lazy and staying at home in my PJs all day. But now I'm back at the office, bothering my coworkers and being all-around crazy again. Today I set up some sites for our big upcoming project, and (hopefully), really figured out what I'm supposed to be doing around here. Don't be surprised if I still get a little floundery, though! Working a brand-new job with basically  no guidelines and no framework is a bit of a challenge. But I'm sure we can make it work just fine.

The goals this week: get back into the swing of things, make some contacts, pester all of you transient readers with randomness from the office.

[Insert evil laugh here.]

Monday, June 13, 2011

Last Week in Summary

Monday: I got another project dropped in my lap, which was what's been distracting me from updating here. Eventually, I'll be working on another blog, Facebook account and Twitter account for one of our big projects coming up.

Tuesday: We had a follow-up meeting with one of the local news stations. Half-day, woohooo!

Wednesday-Friday: I wound up working on some personal projects and trying to figure out the stuff that hit me on Monday.

I promise I'm not ignoring you! Last week just got busy and crazy in more ways than one. Let's get back into the swing of things this week, hopefully with some Bogus Health Tips and other random awesomeness.