Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Q&A? Maybe?

Last week, immediately after posting the last entry to this blog, I had a fantastic idea for this week's post. It was so awesome it would completely blow your mind if you read it. Like brain matter all over the walls sweet. Why am I telling you this? In short, because I forgot it and I'm secretly hoping that by distracting you with the amazingness that was supposed to be this week's post, I can keep you from reading further.

You're still here? Why are you still here?! You should have realized I've got nothing interesting to say this week and scurried away by now! What are you doing? Still reading? Why, of all the impertinence!

Seriously, though, I got nothing. All my energy's been going toward Catch It In Time and I forgot to write down that amazingly brilliant idea. I also may have had too much sugar this morning.

So this week, give me your poor, your abused, your--oh, wait. I mean, give me your questions! About anything. Me, MedCenterNetwork, Catch It In Time, whatever you got. I'll do my best to answer them. Have at it! En guard!

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