Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Exciting Stuff!

Today is an exciting day! We officially started work on a new project with Exempla hospitals with a video shoot for PR and internal communications down at Exempla Lutheran Medical Center, for which I got to run teleprompter. That was a ton of fun, even if our script was full of grammatical errors (note to management: never put an English major behind a script written by television guys, unless you want her to critique it and made snide comments between takes).

Anyway, this new project is a collection of videos for both internal and external use for the hospitals. We're looking at some communiqué-type videos for the CEO and upper management to get memos and updates to the rest of the staff on a regular basis, and a fantastic sports medicine program for the everyday person. And that ball started rolling with the video shoot this morning. Woohoo!

On top of that, we've got a meeting with another potential sponsor/partner for Catch It In Time (over lunch, yum!) that I think is going to turn out fantastically.

Go go gadget MedCenter!

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