Monday, July 18, 2011

It's back!

It liiiiives! First of all, my humble apologies for being MIA for the last few weeks. I would rattle off a nicely polished excuse here, but I don't have one. I've just been lazy and staying at home in my PJs all day. But now I'm back at the office, bothering my coworkers and being all-around crazy again. Today I set up some sites for our big upcoming project, and (hopefully), really figured out what I'm supposed to be doing around here. Don't be surprised if I still get a little floundery, though! Working a brand-new job with basically  no guidelines and no framework is a bit of a challenge. But I'm sure we can make it work just fine.

The goals this week: get back into the swing of things, make some contacts, pester all of you transient readers with randomness from the office.

[Insert evil laugh here.]

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