Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So There

Apparently, Q&As don't work when the only people who read this blog at the moment are still in the company (or, if you don't work for us and read this, a big shout out and a "why in the world aren't you commenting? Please? Don't make me beg!). I guess I'll just have to try again when we have more of an audience. Hear that, handful of irregular readers? Go out and tell your friends and family to book it over here so you can ask that burning question you had but were too shy to ask!

Things at the office are slowly chugging along. Things are coming together (huh, where have I heard that before, right? No, really, we're getting there. I promise), projects are getting finished as new ones come in, the office fridge has been restocked and we have a quickly dwindling bag of chocolates just begging to be finished off. And, before you say anything about chocolate being unhealthy, check out the new study from the British Medical Journal that suggests chocolate may be linked to lowering heart disease.

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