Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tougher Than it Looks

Do you know what's tougher than it looks? Getting people to sign on with us. We know exactly what we're doing, but since it's so out of the box, it's tough to explain to potential partners over the phone (or, heck, even in an hour-long in person meeting!) what that is. Colby, Rebecca and Keith have been working on a one-page summary of our current project for weeks now, and they still haven't quite pinned it down. Surprise, that project got dumped in my lap today! Let's hope that writing degree comes in handy.

But back to phone calls. Over the last two weeks or so, basically everyone in the office has been making phone calls left and right, conference calls, trying to entice people to partner with us. So far, it seems to be working pretty well; we've got a lot of companies that sound interested. We just have to amp up the bait a little, give them some more information or some examples of what we're doing. Lets just hope we can all remain sane in the meantime!

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