Thursday, June 2, 2011

Go, Go, Go!

Today has been busy. A meeting with a third news station early this morning, a trip to Boulder with Rebecca and Bianca to gather intelligence (read: information on other companies that might be interested in partnering with us), lunch at the Boulder Teahouse (my fault, because I'm a tea addict), and now writing a blog about all of it. At least it's cooler in the office than it is outside; I swear I felt like I was going to melt while we were walking down the street. Note to self: get some shorts.

Anyway, this trip to Boulder was short and sweet: visit the visitor's center for as many pamphlets as we could carry, have lunch, work whilst eating, visit another company that might be interested in working with us, and come on home. And, if you don't believe me that we were working during lunch, take a look at the massive stack of pamphlets and magazines we were attempting to sift through.

I've also decided that I'm going to turn this into a food blog. Surprise! From now on, I'll be rambling about the best places to eat in the Denver/Boulder area. I mean, really, check out this awesome salad I had! Fabulous salmon, succulent orange slices, beautiful goat cheese and a delicious Dragon's Eye tea vinaigrette dressing. 

Note: I'm not actually changing this into a food blog. It's just an amusing thought, especially since I will, at some point, be talking about healthy eating, I'm sure. 

Still to come: Which new station decides to partner with us? How much chocolate does it take to get the Social Media Coordinator bouncing off the walls? And why does our office refrigerator freeze everything we put inside it?! 

Ps. The office is now complete! We have a coffee maker and an electric kettle for tea. Huzzah!

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